Friday, December 11, 2009

Patriots to Play in MCSBL - Collegiate Summer Baseball

Oakton CC will serve as the home field for the Patriots.

The Metropolitan Collegiate Summer Baseball League of Illinois has been in existence since 1978, with the commitment of promoting continued success and quality baseball in our communities.

Formally known as the Metro Thorobred League of Illinois, the league name was changed and Incorporated in 1987. The Metro League provides an opportunity for college players 19 through 22 years-old to improve and develop their baseball skills during their summer break. The League is formed from teams from the suburbs of Chicago.

College players, home for the summer, can enjoy their families and friends, together with participating in a good competitive league. Official Major League (American League) rules are used with the exception of mandatory use of double ear flap helmets and college safety slide rule. The league has used wood bats since 1992.

MCSBL, has a short action packed season. The league starts registration in the beginning of May with a starting date the first week in June. Play continues for 8 weeks with tournament play the first week in August. Teams can advance to the following National tournaments, All American Amateur Baseball Association (AAABA), National Amateur Baseball Federation (NABF), and the Continental Amateur Baseball Association (CABA).

College players are highly recommended by college coaches and scouts to baseball in the MCSBL. The league supplies seasoned and experienced coaches, providing the opportunity for the athlete to play with a superb league, and to improve his potential of becoming a pro. Experienced college umpires handle games.

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